Lake Region
Energy Services
Lake Region Energy Services (LRES) is a natural gas distribution company based out of Pelican Rapids, MN. LRES is bringing natural gas to the Parkers Prairie, Deer Creek, Miltona, and Dent communities.
Why Heat With Natural Gas?
Because it’s safe, reliable, and economical. By switching to natural gas you could save 20-30% on your heating costs. Natural gas is piped underground, abundant, and domestically produced.
About Us
LRES provides natural gas to the Parkers Prairie, Deer Creek, Miltona, Dent, and surrounding communities.
Lake Region Energy Services (LRES) is a subsidiary of Lake Region Electric Cooperative (LREC), an electric cooperative located in Pelican Rapids, Minnesota. Natural gas service provides LRES customers with stable, lower costs and an additional energy source for residential, commercial, agricultural, and industrial service.

LRES Service Territory
LRES natural gas pipelines are in yellow. Zoom into the map to see precise positioning.